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international pharmaceutical中文是什么意思

用"international pharmaceutical"造句"international pharmaceutical"怎么读"international pharmaceutical" in a sentence


  • 国际药物


  • Single . owns an international pharmaceutical conglomerate
  • It is the 4th such establishment in the world , ahead of even harvard , and has signed or is currently discussing over 130 institutional contracts with 25 major international pharmaceutical companies
  • The company has also developed rich experiences with international pharmaceutical firm and established excellent cooperationship with a lot of famous global pharmaceutical companies
  • With state - of - the - art information systems and processes we provide reliable , quality - driven distribution and logistics services for many well known international pharmaceutical companies
  • The grand 10th anniversary ceremony of china international pharmaceutical industry exhibition ( china - pharm ) will be held in shanghai , china , in the autumn of 2005
  • With more than 80 years of experience , the engineering company nne is a leading supplier of systems , consultancy and engineering services to the international pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry
  • " purchases " livzou group " , etc . we could predict that , in order to deal with the competition of international pharmaceutical groups after the accession to wto , it is an inexorable trend that pharmacy trade of our country merges and recombines
  • For example , researchers at an international pharmaceutical company might submit queries relevant to their project , quickly spot earlier researches that may be related to their efforts and receive a summary of the knowledge buried in numerous notebooks and reports
  • Cape also organizes non - scheduled delegation to visit international pharmaceutical machinery expos , which provided good opportunity for chinese enterprises to widen their horizons , improve and break through their out - of - date idea and study related science and advanced technology and experience from others
  • In order to answer the arrival of the biological scientific and technological industry in the 21st century , the advanced country and big international pharmaceutical factory invest and research and develop the funds and manpower hugly , devoted to this century the star grows the development of the skill industry ; and the government also fosters extremely potential growing the skill industry and becoming the next wave of key industries in a more cost - effective manner , relevant units , such as producing , officer , learning , grinding , etc . also cooperate with this trend actively at home , set about promoting and growing the development of the skill industry
用"international pharmaceutical"造句  
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